Oxygen Valve Block
Identifier: ox_valve_block
Description: the main oxygen valve is obstructed and only a fraction of the oxygen reaches the mixer and the cabin;
- the concentration of oxygen in the cabin decreases;
- the decrease rate of the oxygen in the tank is equal to the oxygen flow indicated by the meter;
- the flow of oxygen after the valve (as read on the corresponding meter) is lower than the target level (50% of the target level corresponding to the current strength).
Corrective actions:
- Set oxygen feed flow to high and retain automatic mode of control;
- Arrange for repair to be done.
Oxygen Valve Stuck Open
Identifier: ox_stuck_open
Description: when the main oxygen valve opens it cannot be closed anymore;
- the system overview indicates that the main valve is permanently open (green lamp), even when flow is manually interrupted (using the command panel);
- the concentration of oxygen in the cabin increases ;
- the flow meter indicates a permanent flow;
- pressure inside the cabin increases, reaching the upper end of the target range (venting prevents an increase above the target range).
Corrective actions:
- Turn on and off oxygen feed flow until level is back to normal range.
- Arrange for repair to be done.
Oxygen Sensor Failures
Identifiers: ox_sensor_upper, ox_sensor_lower, ox_sensor
Description: the sensor operates incorrectly and ignores either the upper threshold, the lower one or both thresholds;
- the oxygen value increases above the target level (ox_sensor_upper, ox_sensor) OR decreases below the target level (ox_sensor_lower, ox_sensor)
- ox_sensor_lower, ox_sensor: oxygen is not feed into the cabin anymore, flow meter reads zero
- ox_sensor_upper, ox_sensor: oxygen is continuously feed into the cabin;
- the value of the flow meter equals the target value for the selected strength;
Corrective actions:
- Turn on and off the oxygen feed flow until level is back to normal range.
- Arrange for repair to be done.
- Manual control of the oxygen feed flow until fault is eradicated.
Nitrogen Valve Leak
Identifier: ni_valve_leak
Description: the main nitrogen valve leaks some gas ;
- pressure in the cabin decreases;
- the decrease rate of the nitrogen in the tank is higher than the nitrogen flow indicated by the meter;
- the flow of nitrogen after the valve (as read on the corresponding meter) is lower than the target level (corresponding to the current strength).
Corrective actions:
- Set nitrogen feed flow to high and retain automatic mode of control;
- Arrange for repair to be done.
Nitrogen Valve Block
Identifier: ni_valve_block
Description: the main nitrogen valve is obstructed and only a fraction of the nitrogen reaches the mixer and the cabin;
- pressure in the cabin decreases;
- the decrease rate of the nitrogen in the tank is higher than the nitrogen flow indicated by the meter;
- the flow of nitrogen after the valve (as read on the corresponding meter) is lower than the target level (50% of the target level corresponding to the current strength).
Corrective actions:
- Set nitrogen feed flow to high and retain automatic mode of control;
- Arrange for repair to be done.
Nitrogen Valve Stuck Open
Identifier: ni_stuck_open
Description: when the main nitrogen valve opens it cannot be closed anymore;
- the system overview indicates that the main valve is permanently open (green lamp), even when flow is manually interrupted (using the command panel);
- the flow meter indicates a permanent flow;
- pressure inside the cabin increases, reaching the upper end of the target range (venting prevents an increase above the target range).
Corrective actions:
- Turn on and off the nitrogen feed flow until level is back to normal range.
- Arrange for repair to be done.
Nitrogen (Pressure) Sensor Failures
Identifiers: ni_sensor_upper, ni_sensor_lower, ni_sensor
Description: the sensor operates incorrectly and ignores either the upper threshold, the lower one or both thresholds;
- the pressure inside the cabin increases above the target level (ni_sensor_upper, ni_sensor) OR decreases below the target level (ni_sensor_lower, ni_sensor)
- ni_sensor_lower, ni_sensor: nitrogen is not feed into the cabin anymore, flow meter reads zero;
- ni_sensor_upper, ni_sensor: nitrogen is continuously feed into the cabin;
- the value of the flow meter equals the target value for the selected strength;
Corrective actions:
- Turn on and off the nitrogen feed flow until level is back to normal range.
- Arrange for repair to be done.
- Manual control of the nitrogen feed flow until fault is eradicated.
Mixer block
Identifier: mixer_block
Description: the mixer valve is blocked and only a fraction of the gas goes to the cabin.
- the pressure in the cabin decreases;
- the concentration of oxygen in the cabin decreases;
- the decrease rate of the oxygen in the tank is equal to the oxygen flow indicated by the meter;
- the decrease rate of the nitrogen in the tank is equal to the nitrogen flow indicated by the meter;
- the flow of oxygen after the valve (as read on the corresponding meter) is lower than the target level (40% of the target level corresponding to the current strength).
- the flow of nitrogen after the valve (as read on the corresponding meter) is lower than the target level (50% of the target level corresponding to the current strength).
Corrective actions:
- Set oxygen feed flow to high and retain automatic mode of control;
- Set nitrogen feed flow to high and retain automatic mode of control;
- Arrange for repair to be done.
Device Sensor Failure
Identifiers: dehum_sensor, dehum_sensor_lower, dehum_sensor_upper, heat_sensor, heat_sensor_lower, heat_sensor_upper, cool_sensor, cool_sensor_lower, cool_sensor_upper, scrub_sensor, scrub_sensor_lower, scrub_sensor_upper, vent_sensor, vent_sensor_lower, vent_sensor_upper
Description: the sensor operates incorrectly and ignores either the upper threshold, the lower one or both thresholds;
- the specific parameter inside the cabin increases above the upper target level or drops below the lower target level;
- the specific device never turns on, or never turns off.
Corrective actions:
- Control the device manually until level is back to normal range.
- Arrange for repair to be done.
Device Stuck On
Identifiers: dehum_stuck_on, heat_stuck_on, cool_stuck_on, scrub_stuck_on, vent_stuck_on
Description: when the device is turned on it cannot be switched off anymore;
- the specific parameter inside the cabin increases or decreases, leading to values outside the target or the normal range.
Corrective actions:
- Manually decrease the device strength to the lowest setting until the level is back to normal range. If the heater is stuck on, turn the cooler on and increase its strength to compensate for the heating factor. If the cooler is stuck on, turn the heater on and increase its strength to compensate for the cooling factor. If the vent or the scrubber are stuck on, regulate manually pressure and oxygen.
- Arrange for repair to be done.
Device Inefficiency
Identifiers: dehum_ineff, heat_ineff, cool_ineff, scrub_ineff, vent_ineff
Description: the device operates with lower performance;
- the specific parameter inside the cabin increases or decreases slower than normal, leading to values outside the target or the normal range.
Corrective actions:
- Manually increase the device strength until level is back to normal range.
- Arrange for repair to be done.