Script Element
The script element is used to configure the basic parameters of an experiment. A script element is automatically added to each script as soon as the script is saved: the script element will be shown upon reloading the script. This element is also used to enable and configure adaptive automation.
- Adaptive control (text, default: False): enabling adaptive control will turn on data logging to support adaptive control of the level of automation.
- Adaptive control type (text, default: none): when adaptive control is enabled, this option allows for selecting the adaptive control type during the experiment:
- none: no adaptive control will be performed;
- transmission: perform adaptive control based on the transmission check delay (secondary task);
- logging: perform adaptive control based on the N2 logging delay (secondary task);
- combined: perform adaptive control based on both transmission check delay and N2 logging delay;
- predefinedtransmission: perform adaptive control based on the transmission check delay (secondary task) using predefined intervals;
- predefinedlogging: perform adaptive control based on the N2 logging delay (secondary task) using predefined intervals;
- Adaptive maximum LOA change (text, default: 0): sets the maximum number of levels for increasing and decreasing the Level Of Automation when performing adaptive control (for example, a value of 1 means that adaptive control can only increase or decrease the LOA by one level)
- Transmission time baseline (text, default: 0): default threshold value for adaptive control based on the transmission check delay (used when adaptive control is set to transmission or combined and no faults are ongoing in the system)
- Transmission time baseline (fault) (integer, default: 0): default threshold value for adaptive control based on the transmission check delay (used when adaptive control is set to transmission or combined and a fault is ongoing in the system)
- Transmission time intervals (text, default: 0): these intervals are used when the adaptive control type is set to predefinedtransmission. The level of automation is changed depending on the standard deviation of the sampled data (transmission check delays, in ms). More specifically, if the standard deviation is:
- between A and B, the system switches to LOA1
- between B and C, the system switches to LOA2
- between C and D, the system switches to LOA3
- between D and E, the system switches to LOA4
- greater than E, the system switches to LOA5
- Logging time baseline (text, default: 0): default threshold value for adaptive control based on the N2 logging delay (used when adaptive control is set to logging or combined and no faults are ongoing in the system)
- Logging time baseline (fault) (integer, default: 0): default threshold value for adaptive control based on the N2 logging delay (used when adaptive control is set to logging or combined and a fault is ongoing in the system)
- Logging time intervals (text, default: 0): these intervals are used when the adaptive control type is set to predefinedlogging. The level of automation is changed depending on the standard deviation of the sampled data (N2 logging delays, in ms). More specifically, if the standard deviation is:
- between A and B, the system switches to LOA1
- between B and C, the system switches to LOA2
- between C and D, the system switches to LOA3
- between D and E, the system switches to LOA4
- greater than E, the system switches to LOA5
Sample XML
<script adaptive=“true” adaptiveControl=“transmission” adaptiveControlMaxChange=“0” reactionbaselinelogging=“0” reactionbaselineloggingduringfault=“0” reactionbaselinetransmission=“0” reactionbaselinetransmissionDuringFault=“0” reactiontimeloggingpredefinedintervals_a=“0” reactiontimeloggingpredefinedintervals_b=“0” reactiontimeloggingpredefinedintervals_c=“0” reactiontimeloggingpredefinedintervals_d=“0” reactiontimeloggingpredefinedintervals_e=“0” reactiontimetransmissionpredefinedintervals_a=“0” reactiontimetransmissionpredefinedintervals_b=“0” reactiontimetransmissionpredefinedintervals_c=“0” reactiontimetransmissionpredefinedintervals_d=“0” reactiontimetransmissionpredefinedintervals_e=“0”>
<adaptive start=“0”/>