Table of Contents


Oxygen Valve Block

Identifier: ox_valve_block

Description: the main oxygen valve is obstructed and only a fraction of the oxygen reaches the mixer and the cabin;


Corrective actions:

Oxygen Valve Stuck Open

Identifier: ox_stuck_open

Description: when the main oxygen valve opens it cannot be closed anymore;


Corrective actions:

Oxygen Sensor Failures

Identifiers: ox_sensor_upper, ox_sensor_lower, ox_sensor

Description: the sensor operates incorrectly and ignores either the upper threshold, the lower one or both thresholds;


Corrective actions:

Nitrogen Valve Leak

Identifier: ni_valve_leak

Description: the main nitrogen valve leaks some gas ;


Corrective actions:

Nitrogen Valve Block

Identifier: ni_valve_block

Description: the main nitrogen valve is obstructed and only a fraction of the nitrogen reaches the mixer and the cabin;


Corrective actions:

Nitrogen Valve Stuck Open

Identifier: ni_stuck_open

Description: when the main nitrogen valve opens it cannot be closed anymore;


Corrective actions:

Nitrogen (Pressure) Sensor Failures

Identifiers: ni_sensor_upper, ni_sensor_lower, ni_sensor

Description: the sensor operates incorrectly and ignores either the upper threshold, the lower one or both thresholds;


Corrective actions:

Mixer block

Identifier: mixer_block

Description: the mixer valve is blocked and only a fraction of the gas goes to the cabin.


Corrective actions:

Device Sensor Failure

Identifiers: dehum_sensor, dehum_sensor_lower, dehum_sensor_upper, heat_sensor, heat_sensor_lower, heat_sensor_upper, cool_sensor, cool_sensor_lower, cool_sensor_upper, scrub_sensor, scrub_sensor_lower, scrub_sensor_upper, vent_sensor, vent_sensor_lower, vent_sensor_upper

Description: the sensor operates incorrectly and ignores either the upper threshold, the lower one or both thresholds;


Corrective actions:

Device Stuck On

Identifiers: dehum_stuck_on, heat_stuck_on, cool_stuck_on, scrub_stuck_on, vent_stuck_on

Description: when the device is turned on it cannot be switched off anymore;


Corrective actions:

Device Inefficiency

Identifiers: dehum_ineff, heat_ineff, cool_ineff, scrub_ineff, vent_ineff

Description: the device operates with lower performance;


Corrective actions: