- Amos Brocco, Ingmar Baumgart, “A Framework for a Comprehensive Evaluation of Ant-Inspired Peer-to-Peer Protocols”, in: MSOP2P 2012 : 6th International Workshop on Modeling, Simulation, and Optimization of Peer-to-peer Environments, 20th Euromicro International Conference on Parallel, Distributed, and Network-Based Processing PDP 2012, Garching, Germany, February, 2012.
- Amos Brocco, “ozmos: Bio-Inspired Load Balancing in a Chord-based P2P Grid”, in: Workshop on Bio-Inspired Algorithms for Distributed Systems, ACM, ICAC 2011, Karlsruhe, Germany, Jun, 2011.
- Amos Brocco. “On the robustness of the BlatAnt-S protocol under churn”. Technical Report TM-2011-5, Institute of Telematics, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, August, 2011, ISSN 1613-849X
- Amos Brocco. “OverSwarm: a simulation tool for biologically inspired peer-to-peer networks”. Technical Report TM-2011-4, Institute of Telematics, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, August, 2011, ISSN 1613-849X