Vent control is now separate from N2 flow control. Accordingly, the following new script interface controls are available:
Element name | Note | Visible? | Enabled? |
ventPanel | Ventilation panel | False | True |
ventPanelGeneral | Ventilation panel upper part | False | True |
ventPanelLevel | Ventilation panel streght selector | False | True |
pressurePanel | Pressure panel | False | True |
pressurePanelGeneral | Pressure panel upper part | False | True |
pressurePanelFlow | Pressure panel flow strenght selector | False | True |
The corresponding new commands are:
Command | Information |
ventilation.general.high | Ventilation strenght to HIGH |
ventilation.general.medium | Ventilation strenght to MEDIUM |
ventilation.general.standard | Ventilation strenght to STANDARD |
ventilation.general.vent on | Turn on the vent (manual mode) |
ventilation.general.vent off | Turn off the vent (manual mode) | on | Turns automatic vent control on |
stickstoff.general.high | N2 flow to HIGH |
stickstoff.general.medium | N2 flow to MEDIUM |
stickstoff.general.standard | N2 flow to STANDARD |
stickstoff.general.flow on | Turn on the N2 flow (manual mode) |
stickstoff.general.flow off | Turn off the N2 flow (manual mode) | on | Turns automatic N2 flow control on |