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Separate Vent Control

Vent control is now separate from N2 flow control. Accordingly, the following new script interface controls are available:

Element nameNoteVisible?Enabled?
ventPanelVentilation panelFalseTrue
ventPanelGeneralVentilation panel upper partFalseTrue
ventPanelLevelVentilation panel streght selectorFalseTrue
pressurePanelPressure panelFalseTrue
pressurePanelGeneralPressure panel upper partFalseTrue
pressurePanelFlowPressure panel flow strenght selectorFalseTrue

The corresponding new commands are:

ventilation.general.highVentilation strenght to HIGH
ventilation.general.mediumVentilation strenght to MEDIUM
ventilation.general.standardVentilation strenght to STANDARD
ventilation.general.vent onTurn on the vent (manual mode)
ventilation.general.vent offTurn off the vent (manual mode) onTurns automatic vent control on
stickstoff.general.highN2 flow to HIGH
stickstoff.general.mediumN2 flow to MEDIUM
stickstoff.general.standardN2 flow to STANDARD
stickstoff.general.flow onTurn on the N2 flow (manual mode)
stickstoff.general.flow offTurn off the N2 flow (manual mode) onTurns automatic N2 flow control on
autocams/separate_vent_control.txt · Last modified: 2024/05/27 12:22 by
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