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Error generation

Error are generated using the error tag:

<error start="5" typ="ox_stuck_open" diagnostics="true" notify="15" clear="60" repeatNotify="true" allowLateRepair="true">

The following attributes have been added:

notify sets after how many seconds a pop-up notification should be displayed (the notification suggests the user to increase the assistance level). The notification is not shown if the user acknowledged the error by clicking on “Escape” or “Accept”, or if the user started the correct repair action.
clear used to clear (repair) errors after the specified time (in seconds)
repeatNotify set to true to repeat the notification if necessary (the popup will appear at intervals specified by the notify attribute). Acknowledged errors will stop notifications
allowLateRepair allows late repairs (will not clear the error if a correct repair is ongoing): default to false
autocams/error_generation.txt · Last modified: 2024/05/27 12:22 by
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